How to Become a Digital Nomad and Work From Anywhere

Becoming a digital nomad offers a unique opportunity to escape the 9-to-5 grind and enjoy a more flexible and adventurous lifestyle. One that eliminates the need to commute without compensation to a stuffy office and allows you to be free from micromanaging bosses who can make your work day a living nightmare. 

I mean, just imagine working from a beautiful beach, bustling city, or quiet countryside, all while earning a lucrative living doing a job you’re skilled at and enjoy. 

After more than 12 years of finding creative ways to make money while working from anywhere in a variety of different careers together with my life partner, I can tell you: learning how to become a digital nomad will completely transform your life.

Still, being a digital nomad comes with an array of new challenges, and the transition to becoming one can be tough for people used to working a typical office job. 

That’s why I created this guide to give you the knowledge and tools to become a successful digital nomad and help you put a plan and strategy in place to make the most of this lifestyle. 

From coming up with remote work ideas and finding work-from-anywhere opportunities to tips on creating a plan for your journey, manage your finances, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, you’ll find it here. 

So before you start hawking all your worldly possessions, let’s get into the finer details of digital nomadism.

*Erik’s Guide is reader-supported and this guide contains affiliate links, so I may earn a commission when you click or make a purchase through links on my site at no additional cost to you. Plus, you may even earn a discount. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I only recommend products and services I would or do use myself, and I’m incredibly grateful for you and your readership.

Step 1: Understand the Digital Nomad Lifestyle + Mindset

What is a digital nomad?

By definition, a digital nomad is someone who works remotely, using technology to perform their job while traveling and exploring new destinations. Most digital nomads work as freelancers, remote employees, or entrepreneurs in fields like web design, computer science and programming, writing articles or online content, marketing, customer experience, and anything else that can be performed with a computer and internet connection.

Digital nomads are essentially location-independent workers, which means they have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world as long as they have a computer and an internet connection. While many hold a bachelor’s degree or beyond, it is not necessary, and it can be an incredible experience that allows you to explore new cultures, meet new people, and have more control over your work-life balance.

Questions to consider before becoming a digital nomad

These are some important foundational things to consider before becoming a digital nomad:

  • What are my reasons for wanting to become a digital nomad?
  • Do I have the necessary skills and experience to work remotely?
  • What are the financial implications of becoming a digital nomad, and do I have a solid financial plan in place?
  • Am I comfortable with the level of uncertainty and risk that comes with working remotely?
  • What are the potential challenges and drawbacks of the digital nomad lifestyle, and how can I prepare for them?

Then, ask yourself how you’ll manage certain crucial details and objectives while living the digital nomad life, such as:

  • How will I manage my work-life balance while traveling and working remotely?
  • Do I have a support system in place, such as friends or family members who can help me in case of emergencies?
  • How will I handle digital nomad visa and immigration requirements in the countries I plan to visit?
  • Will I be able to maintain relationships with friends and family members while on the move?
  • What are my long-term goals and aspirations, and how does the digital nomad lifestyle fit into them?

Also consider the practicalities of working remotely, like time zone differences and technical requirements for your job. 

Remember that the digital nomad lifestyle is not for everyone, and that’s okay. But if you’re ready to take the leap, it can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience that allows you to create your own path in life.

*Related GuidE*

If you want to get out of your home office and start seeing more of the world while you work, read up on the Best Travel Essentials For Remote Work and snag everything you need before you go.

The Digital Nomad Mindset

To be a digital nomad, it’s vital to cultivate the right mindset for the lifestyle. After all, you’ll likely be working in an environment that’s fairly new to you, so you’ll want to be ready. The most successful digital nomads are characterized by a few key traits and beliefs that help them thrive in their unique way of life:

  • Adaptability: Digital nomads need to be able to adapt quickly to new environments, work situations, and cultural norms. They’re comfortable with and can easily embrace change, and can adjust their expectations and plans as needed. Not only that, but they also regularly evaluate their lifestyle and work habits to ensure they’re meeting their personal and professional goals while maintaining a healthy work-life balance and adjusting as needed.
  • Resourcefulness: Digital nomads need to be resourceful in order to solve problems and overcome challenges that may arise while traveling and working remotely. They’re able to find creative solutions to complex problems and make the most of the resources available to them.
  • Discipline and Productivity: Successful digital nomadism is about establishing and following a daily routine to stay focused and on track, setting goals and deadlines for work projects to stay motivated and ensure forward progress, and using remote work tools for productivity and time management to stay organized and maximize your time.
  • Independence: Those who embrace this lifestyle are self-reliant and don’t need constant supervision or guidance to get their work done. They’re comfortable working independently and taking ownership of their projects and tasks. They also embrace continuous learning and develop their skills to stay relevant and competitive in their field.
  • Curiosity: These adventurous spirits are curious about the world around them and eager to learn about new cultures, languages, and experiences. They seek out opportunities for personal and professional growth and are open-minded about new ideas and perspectives. They also take advantage of opportunities to explore new places, try new activities, and meet new people outside of work hours.
  • Resilience: Facing a variety of challenges, including loneliness, isolation, and cultural differences, they need to be resilient and have the ability to bounce back from setbacks and difficult situations.
  • Entrepreneurial spirit: Many digital nomads are entrepreneurs or freelancers, and they approach their work with an entrepreneurial mindset. They focus on creating value, solving problems, and building their own company or career.
  • Mindfulness: Being a successful digital nomad is not all about the work, and in fact, you should prioritize work-life balance and self-care. Create boundaries between work and personal time to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance, take regular breaks throughout the day to rest, recharge, and prevent eye strain or physical discomfort, and make time for physical activity, healthy meals, and enough sleep to maintain physical, mental, and emotional health.

Overall, the digital nomad mindset is characterized by a sense of adventure, flexibility, and independence, along with a strong work ethic and a desire to create a fulfilling and rewarding lifestyle.

Benefits and Challenges of the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Now that you understand the digital nomad mindset, let’s dig into the benefits and challenges that the remote work lifestyle has to offer. 

Note that these won’t necessarily apply to everyone or every situation, nor are they set in stone for any individual who decides to embark on this way of living and working.

Digital Nomad Pros

  • Flexibility: One of the biggest benefits of working remotely as a digital nomad is the flexibility to work from anywhere with an internet connection. This means you can work from home, a coffee shop, a co-working space, or even while traveling. You have the ability to create your own schedule and work when you’re most productive.
  • Increased Travel Opportunities: Digital nomads have the opportunity to travel to new destinations and immerse themselves in different cultures. They can work from anywhere in the world, which means they can take advantage of cheap flights, last-minute deals, and long-term stays.
  • Work-Life Balance: Digital nomads have the freedom to balance their work and personal lives. They can work during the hours that suit them best, take breaks when they need them, and prioritize their health and well-being.
  • Personal Growth: Being a digital nomad can be a great way to challenge yourself and grow both personally and professionally. It exposes you to new cultures, ways of thinking, and perspectives, and helps you develop resilience, independence, and resourcefulness.
  • Global Networking Opportunities: Digital nomads have the opportunity to meet new people from all over the world and build a global network. They can attend meetups, conferences, and events that are specific to their industry or interests, and make valuable connections.
  • Increased Job Opportunities: Digital nomads are not restricted by location, which means they have access to a wider range of job opportunities. They can work for companies or clients from all over the world, which can lead to more interesting and diverse work.
  • Potential Cost Savings: Depending on your location and lifestyle preferences, being a digital nomad can potentially save you money. For example, you may be able to live in a cheaper country with a lower cost of living or take advantage of travel rewards programs to save on flights and accommodations.
  • No More Commute or Office: For some people, commuting to a singular office every day is tedious, tiring, and expensive. Being a digital nomad eliminates this unpleasant aspect of the traditional 9-to-5 job from your life and frees up more time to do things you enjoy. 

All of these benefits do an incredible job of selling the lifestyle, but of course, there are also plenty of potential drawbacks associated with being a digital nomad, which we’ll dig into next. 

Cons of Digital Nomadism

Now, here are the main challenges that come with being a digital nomad:

  • Loneliness and isolation: Being a digital nomad can be a lonely experience, especially if you’re traveling alone or don’t have a strong support network. You may also miss the camaraderie and social interaction of a traditional office environment, and maintaining relationships can be challenging when you’re constantly moving from one location to another.
  • Unpredictability: The lifestyle can be unpredictable, with changing workloads and schedules. This can make it difficult to plan and maintain a routine, which can lead to stress and burnout.
  • Difficulty building professional relationships: Building professional relationships and credibility can be challenging, as you don’t have a physical office or presence. This can make it difficult to establish trust with clients or colleagues.
  • Time zone differences: Working with clients or colleagues in different time zones can present issues, as you may need to work outside of your normal business hours. This can lead to sleep disruption and difficulty maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  • Technical challenges: Digital nomads rely on technology to work remotely, which means they need to have reliable internet access and technical equipment. This can be challenging in some locations, especially if the infrastructure is not reliable or the equipment is expensive.
  • Financial instability: It can be financially unstable, especially if you’re a freelancer or entrepreneur. A stable income can’t be guaranteed with the unpredictable nature of freelancing, and you may need to navigate different tax laws and regulations in other countries.
  • Health and safety concerns: Traveling and living in different countries can present health and safety concerns, such as exposure to different diseases or dangerous environments. It’s important to take precautions and be prepared for emergencies.
  • Unreliable internet access and potential language barriers: Depending on your destination, you may encounter unreliable internet connections or language barriers that can hinder your work and daily activities.
  • Legal and tax implications: Navigating digital nomad visa requirements and tax laws can be complex as a digital nomad. You may need to consult with professionals to ensure you’re in compliance with regulations, unless you find a way to work in a country tax-free.
  • Digital nomad visa restrictions: Many countries require a digital nomad visa for foreign nationals to work or conduct business within their borders. You may need to obtain a visa to enter a country for work purposes, even if you’re not physically present in an office or working for a local employer, and the process can be time-consuming and expensive, with requirements varying depending on the country. If you’re trying to work in the US and you’re from another country, look into getting a green card through the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program.

Clearly, the lifestyle can present a range of challenges, from balancing work and relationships to navigating different time zones, tax laws, and technical challenges.

But if living and working in a location of your choice and getting to travel the world is what you truly want, then all of these hurdles will be worth overcoming on your way to making your dreams a reality. 

Step 2: Create a Plan for Your Digital Nomad Journey

Digital nomad working outside on a laptop

Without a blueprint for your life as a digital nomad, it’ll be difficult to get organized and bring your dreams to life, so take the time to write out all the details.

To get started, define your goals. Ask yourself:

  • What are the aspirations for this nomadic lifestyle? 
  • Do you want to travel full-time or just part of the year? 
  • Are there any specific places you’d like to visit? 

Success looks different to everyone, so knowing what it looks like to you will help guide your decisions throughout the process.

Next, take a look at yourself and the current skills you bring to the table.

Assess Your Current Skillset

Your earning potential as a digital nomad largely depend on the skills your currently possess. That’s why it’s key to understand exactly what you’re capable of doing for work before you embark so you can have a clear idea of how much money you’ll be able to bring in. 

To get an idea of your potential and begin boosting it:

  1. Evaluate your current skillset: Determine which skills you already possess that are suited for remote work. If you’re unsure, consider looking at remote job postings to identify in-demand skills in your field.
  2. Research job opportunities in your field: Familiarize yourself with the types of remote work available in your industry, and take note of any qualifications or certifications that may be required.
  3. Upskill and learn new, relevant skills: To increase your chances of landing a remote job, invest in learning new skills or obtaining certifications that are in demand in your industry. Find relevant courses and certifications to expand your skill set and make your resume more desirable to potential remote employers. Also, start mastering essential remote work tools and applications for your industry, whether they be SEO tools, CRM platforms, or AI writing tools, so you can get ahead of your competition.

Now, let’s get a little taboo and talk about money.

Prepare Your Finances for Life on the Road

Living and working while traveling does not necessarily come cheap and there are many unknowns involved with life on the road, so financial planning is essential for digital nomads. 

Here’s a step-by-step plan to start your digital nomad budget:

  1. Determine your monthly expenses and potential income: Estimate your monthly living expenses, including rent, food, transportation, and entertainment. Also, consider your potential income from remote work and any other sources. This will help you create a realistic budget.
  1. Establish an emergency fund: Before embarking on your digital nomad journey, set up an emergency fund with enough savings to cover at least a few months of living expenses. This will provide a financial safety net in case of unforeseen circumstances.
  2. Create a budget that factors in your travel and living costs: Develop a budget that takes into account your expected income, living expenses, and travel costs. Regularly review and adjust your budget as needed to maintain financial stability while traveling.

Also, think about how much you need to save for getaways and treats to reward your exceptional work performance. 

Don’t forget unexpected costs like medical bills and flight cancellations. And, of course, remember to save for income taxes, because if you’re a U.S. citizen, you’ll have to pay U.S. income taxes even if you’re working abroad.

Now, let’s discuss how you’ll get paid and keep everything organized with digital tools and services.

Set Your Business Up For Safety + Success

A digital nomad working in a coworking space

Before you get started on your journey, make sure you have the necessary services in place to maximize safety and success.

Online Payment Methods:

It’s important to have an online payment system that works both ways — for receiving payments from clients and making purchases while on the move. 

Popular payment processing options include:

  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay 
  • Venmo 

All of the above offer secure payment processing with low foreign transaction fees or no fees at all for certain transactions.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is essential when venturing overseas, providing encryption to your internet connection to protect your data from malicious actors. 

Many VPN services are available, such as:

  • NordVPN
  • ExpressVPN
  • Surfshark 
  • IPVanish

Our favorite is NordVPN, which we’ve used for years now.

Make sure you choose one that offers fast connection speeds and unlimited bandwidth if possible.

Virtual Mailboxes:

Virtual mailboxes are online services that allow digital nomads to receive and manage their physical mail remotely. Here’s why they’re important for digital nomads:

  1. Access to Mail Anywhere: With a virtual mailbox, digital nomads can receive their mail no matter where they are in the world. Mail is scanned and uploaded to an online account, so you can access it from anywhere with an internet connection.
  2. Secure and Private: Virtual mailboxes are often more secure and private than traditional mailboxes. Mail is stored in secure facilities, and you can choose to have it forwarded to a physical address or shredded and recycled.
  3. Convenience: With a virtual mailbox, digital nomads can save time and avoid the hassle of managing physical mail. You can easily view and manage your mail online, and even request to have packages forwarded to your current location.
  4. Professional Image: Having a virtual mailbox can help digital nomads maintain a professional image. You can use a physical address for your business, rather than a P.O. box or personal address, which can make your business appear more established and credible.
  5. Compliance: Virtual mailboxes can help digital nomads comply with legal and tax requirements. You can receive important documents and notifications, and ensure that you don’t miss any important deadlines or obligations.

Overall, virtual mailboxes are an essential tool for digital nomads who need to manage their physical mail remotely. With their convenience, security, and professional image, they can help digital nomads maintain productivity and stay focused on their work, rather than worrying about their mail.

Accounting Software:

Keeping track of finances is key when running any kind of business remotely – even more so when dealing with international currencies. 

Investing in accounting software like FreshBooks can make this process much easier by automating calculations and providing detailed reports on income/expenses across different locations worldwide.

Here’s why it’s important for digital nomads:

  1. Organize Your Finances: Accounting software can help you organize your finances, including income, expenses, and taxes. With accounting software, you can track your income and expenses, generate invoices, and manage receipts and invoices, making it easier to manage your finances and stay on top of your financial obligations.
  2. Save Time: Accounting software can help digital nomads save time by automating many accounting tasks. For example, you can set up automatic invoicing, payment reminders, and recurring expenses, reducing the time and effort required to manage your finances.
  3. Make Informed Decisions: Accounting software can provide digital nomads with valuable insights into their financial performance, such as profit and loss reports, cash flow statements, and balance sheets. These reports can help you make informed decisions about your business finances and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Ensure Compliance: Accounting software can help digital nomads comply with legal and tax requirements. For example, you can generate reports for tax purposes, track expenses for deductions, and ensure that you’re meeting any regulatory requirements for your industry.
  5. Stay on Top of Your Finances: With accounting software, digital nomads can stay on top of their finances, no matter where they are in the world. You can access your financial information from any device with an internet connection, giving you the flexibility and mobility you need to manage your finances while on the go.

Overall, accounting software is an essential tool for digital nomads who need to manage their finances and stay on top of their business obligations. 

Project Management Tools:

Project management tools like, Asana, and Trello are essential for digital nomads who need to manage their projects, tasks, and team members working remotely. Here’s why these tools are vital for digital nomads:

  1. Organize Projects: Project management tools allow digital nomads to organize their projects, tasks, and deadlines in one central location. With a project management tool, you can create a project plan, assign tasks to team members, and track progress, making it easier to manage your projects remotely.
  2. Collaborate with Team Members: Project management tools allow digital nomads to collaborate with team members in real-time, no matter where they are in the world. You can assign tasks, share files, and communicate with team members, making it easier to work together and achieve your goals.
  3. Track Progress: Project management tools allow digital nomads to track their progress and ensure that they’re on track to meet their goals. With these tools, you can monitor task completion, track deadlines, and receive notifications when tasks are due, helping you stay organized and on top of your projects.
  4. Improve Communication: Project management tools can improve communication between team members, making it easier to work together effectively. You can share feedback, ask questions, and communicate updates in real-time, reducing the need for email chains and improving overall efficiency.
  5. Work Anywhere: Project management tools can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making them ideal for digital nomads who need to work remotely. With these tools, you can manage your projects and tasks from your laptop, tablet, or smartphone, giving you the flexibility and mobility you need to work from anywhere you want.

Overall, project management tools are vital for digital nomads who need to manage multiple projects, tasks, and team members remotely. With their ability to organize, collaborate, track progress, improve communication, and work from anywhere, these tools can help digital nomads achieve their goals and work more efficiently while on the go.

Step 3: Build a Strong Online Presence and Contacts Network

Digital nomads networking at a cafe

One way to accelerate your digital nomad career is to build a strong online presence. There are plenty of ways to do this, and you can do as many as you feel fits your goals.

Here’s how to start crafting a vibe online so that potential employers will see you as someone who takes initiative and is creative, tech-savvy, and unafraid of calculated risk-taking:

  1. Create a professional website or portfolio: Showcase your work and establish credibility by creating a polished website or online portfolio. Include a concise bio, a list of your skills and services, and examples of your work.
  2. Update your LinkedIn profile: Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date, with a focus on your remote work experience, skills, and accomplishments. Include a professional headshot and a clear headline that highlights your expertise.
  3. Network and engage with relevant online communities: Join online forums, Facebook groups, and other communities related to your industry. Engage in discussions, share valuable insights, and connect with potential clients or employers.

Create a professional website

Building a website for yourself can be a valuable asset for digital nomads when it comes to finding more high-paying remote jobs. Plus, you can use modern-day SEO to generate internet traffic to your content, helping even more people discover you and your offerings.

Here’s why you should build a personal/professional website:

  1. Establish Your Brand: A personal website can help you establish your brand as a digital nomad. You can showcase your skills, experience, and portfolio, and differentiate yourself from other freelancers or remote workers.
  2. Build Credibility: A personal website can help you build credibility with potential clients or employers. You can highlight your achievements, testimonials, and certifications, and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.
  3. Provide a Central Hub: A personal website can serve as a central hub for your digital presence. You can link to your social media profiles, blog posts, and other content, and make it easy for people to find and connect with you.
  4. Increase Your Visibility: A personal website can help you increase your visibility online. By optimizing your website for search engines and promoting it through social media or other channels, you can attract new clients or opportunities.

Here’s how to build yourself a professional website:

  1. Choose a Platform: There are many online platforms available for building a personal website, such as WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace. Choose a platform that aligns with your goals, budget, and technical expertise.
  2. Define Your Brand: Define your brand by creating a unique name, tagline, and logo. Choose a color scheme and design that reflects your personality and brand.
  3. Create Content: Create compelling content that showcases your skills, experience, and achievements. Use high-quality images and videos to add visual interest, and include calls to action to encourage people to contact you or learn more.
  4. Optimize for Search Engines: Optimize your website for search engines by using relevant keywords and meta descriptions, and including links to your social media profiles and other relevant content.
  5. Promote Your Website: If you build it, will they come? Maybe. But it’s not likely unless you promote it. Get the word out about your website through social media, networking events, and other channels. Use analytics tools to track your website’s performance and make improvements over time.

Update your LinkedIn profile

Updating your LinkedIn profile as a digital nomad can be a great way to showcase your experience, build your network, and attract potential clients or employers. 

On top of getting hit up by recruiters every week to gauge my interest in lucrative full-time and part-time jobs, LinkedIn has also helped me land:

  • A six-figure full-time job as Head of Content Marketing & SEO for a B2B SaaS company
  • Freelance writing jobs with Fortune 500 companies, startups, and SMEs
  • SEO + content marketing consulting contracts worth tens of thousands

And those leads all came to me passively, meaning that I was contacted out of the blue by recruiters and hiring managers who found me through LinkedIn search and were compelled to message me based on reading my profile. 

But that doesn’t make me special. You can totally replicate this strategy and have the same stellar results happen to you.

Even if you feel queasy thinking about it and everyone you know actively hates on LinkedIn and tells you it’s BS, don’t believe them

I’m telling you that it is one of the best ways to attract the right people to you professionally, and it can open up doors that you never believed possible, so long as you build a profile that showcases your unique abilities and makes you look like you know your stuff.

Here’s why to update your LinkedIn profile:

  1. Establish Your Professional Identity: Your LinkedIn profile serves as an online resume, and can help you establish your professional identity as a digital nomad. You can showcase your skills, experience, and achievements, and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.
  2. Build Your Network: LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool, and can help you build your network and connect with other professionals in your industry. You can join and create groups, follow thought leaders, and participate in discussions to expand your network.
  3. Attract Potential Clients or Employers: LinkedIn can also help you attract potential clients or employers by showcasing your skills and experience. You can highlight your portfolio, certifications, and testimonials, and position yourself as an expert in your field.

Here’s how to update your LinkedIn profile for optimal results:

  1. Create a Compelling Headline: Your headline should grab the reader’s attention and communicate your value proposition. Use keywords that describe your skills and experience, and highlight your unique selling points.
  2. Optimize Your Profile for Search Engines: Use relevant keywords throughout your profile, and include a summary that highlights your skills, experience, and achievements. Use bullet points to make your profile easy to scan, and include multimedia content, such as images and videos, to add visual interest.
  3. Showcase Your Experience and Achievements: Highlight your experience and achievements by including detailed descriptions of your past roles and projects. Use numbers and metrics to quantify your impact, and include testimonials or endorsements from past clients or employers.
  4. Expand Your Network: Connect with other professionals in your industry by sending personalized connection requests and participating in groups and discussions. Use LinkedIn’s search functionality to find people involved in similar activities and companies that match your interests and goals.
  5. Stay Active: Stay active on LinkedIn by posting updates, sharing amd writing original articles, and commenting on other people’s posts. This can help you build your credibility and attract potential clients or employers when on the job search.

Network and engage with other remote workers

Digital nomads at a community event

Networking and engaging with relevant and like-minded online communities is crucial for digital nomads who want to succeed in their careers and maintain a sense of connection and support while working remotely. Here’s why it’s important and how to do it effectively:

  1. Access to Valuable Information: By joining online communities related to your field, you can gain access to valuable information, insights, and resources that can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in your industry. You can learn from the experiences of others, discover new tools and techniques, and stay informed about job opportunities and other relevant information.
  2. Opportunity to Collaborate and Build Relationships: Engaging with online communities can help digital nomads build relationships with other professionals in their field, providing opportunities for collaboration and support. You can connect with other remote workers, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and professionals who share your interests and goals.
  3. Support and Encouragement: Working remotely can be isolating and challenging, but by engaging with online communities, digital nomads can find support, encouragement, and motivation from like-minded people who understand their experiences and challenges. You can share your successes and struggles, ask for advice, and provide support to others, creating a sense of community and belonging.
  4. Develop Your Personal Brand: By engaging with online communities, you can develop your personal brand and establish yourself as an expert in your field. By sharing your knowledge and insights, participating in discussions, and providing value to others, you can build your reputation and attract new clients or job opportunities.

To effectively network and engage with online communities, digital nomads should:

  1. Join relevant online communities: Research and join online communities related to your field or interests. Look for communities that are active, have a strong membership base, and offer valuable resources and information.
  2. Participate regularly: Engage with the community regularly by participating in discussions, sharing your insights, and providing value to others. Avoid spamming the community with self-promotion or irrelevant information.
  3. Be respectful and professional: Treat others with respect and professionalism, even in online communities. Avoid negative or confrontational comments and focus on building relationships and providing value to others.
  4. Offer support and encouragement: Be supportive and encouraging to others in the community. Offer advice, share your experiences, and provide support to others who may be struggling.

There are plenty of places to look, including LinkedIn Groups, TikTok, Facebook Groups, and other social media platforms. Follow influencers in your field, comment on their posts, and engage with others in your industry. 

You can also get a membership to Circle, which is a place to build your own digital nomad community and join other groups that people create based on different interests, topics, and activities. 

There are also in-person networking events you can attend. Be sure to bring business cards, either digital or physical, to give out, but only if someone asks you for one. 

To build your network fast, start by providing value to others. 

This can be in the form of comments on social media posts or blogs, referrals on LinkedIn, or creating great content of your own that aims to inform, inspire, and delight people with new information that can help them in their own lives and careers. 

By providing value, you can attract more people and form a network that might be able to help you find remote job opportunities and perhaps even provide valuable insights into the lifestyle.

Finally, don’t forget about your old contacts. 

Former colleagues at previous jobs may know someone who’s looking for someone like you right now. Reach out via email or phone every once in a while to catch up and stay on their radar. They might be able to provide some valuable leads when it comes time for finding new opportunities while traveling abroad.

By networking and engaging with relevant and like-minded online communities and IRL, digital nomads can gain valuable insights, build relationships, find support, and develop their personal brand, all while working remotely.

Step 4: Finding Remote Work Opportunities and Job Hunting

A digital nomad working on a laptop in a blue chair

Job hunting and finding remote work opportunities as a digital nomad can be challenging, but there are several strategies and resources that can help. 

Here are some methods to consider:

  1. Remote Job Boards: Online job boards are a popular resource for finding remote work opportunities. Websites like FlexJobs and Virtual Vocations offer a variety of remote job listings across different industries and skill levels.
  2. Networking: Networking is a powerful tool for finding remote work opportunities. Connect with other digital nomads and professionals in your field through social media, online communities, and events. By building relationships and making connections, you can learn about job opportunities and receive referrals from others.
  3. Freelancing Platforms: Freelancing platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and can also be a source of remote work opportunities. These platforms allow you to showcase your skills and connect with clients looking for freelance services.
  4. Direct Outreach: Another approach to finding remote work opportunities is to reach out to companies directly. Identify companies that align with your skills and interests and reach out to them with a personalized pitch highlighting your experience and value proposition. LinkedIn can be a useful tool for finding and connecting with relevant contacts at target companies.
  5. Referral Programs: Many companies offer remote worker referral programs, allowing current employees to refer others for job openings. If you have a network of contacts who work at a company you’re interested in, ask if they can refer you for any open positions.

Finding remote work opportunities through the above methods can be a great way to start your digital nomad journey before you even leave — that way, you can get yourself set up with income streams to create a sense of stability prior to hitting the road.. 

There are several job boards specifically for remote workers, such as:

  • FlexJobs
  • RemoteCo
  • Upwork
  • Fiverr
  • Indeed

On top of that, I really like using the following sites for finding remote work opportunities for digital nomads:

  • Otta
  • Publicist

These job boards provide a simple means of exploring numerous positions across different industries. They also have filters that allow you to narrow down the results by location or type of job (e.g., full-time or part-time).

Teaching English abroad is another option for those looking for remote work opportunities as a digital nomad. For those with teaching qualifications or experience, there are numerous educational institutions around the globe that offer competitive wages for English-speaking instructors. This could be an excellent way to explore new countries while earning an income at the same time.

You can also try your hand at consulting abroad. If you’re already established within your industry back home, offering consultancy services on projects related to your specialization could be a great way to gain valuable experience from international clients while earning a decent wage. 

No matter which path (or paths) you take towards becoming a digital nomad, finding lucrative remote work opportunities should always be a top priority. 

Research thoroughly before committing yourself fully to anything; this could include finding freelancing gigs online via sites like Upwork and Fiverr or negotiating flexible working arrangements with potential employers. 

Step 5: Choose Your Destination and Plan Your Travels

The world is full of amazing places for digital nomads. From bustling cities with plenty of opportunities, like Berlin or Bangkok, to quiet beach towns with affordable rent prices, like Tulum or Canggu, the possibilities are virtually endless.

Research different countries so that you can pick locations with reliable internet connections, affordable living costs, and access to activities and experiences that interest you most — all while considering health and safety protocols due to any travel restrictions that are applicable at the time of planning. (Thankfully, it seems like that’s not so much a thing these days.)

Take requirements for digital nomad visas into account along with other immigration rules before making any commitments, as they may change over time.

Speaking of digital nomad visas, another thing worth considering when choosing where to live is how long-term visitors are treated by local authorities in different countries. 

Some countries have very strict immigration laws while others may be more open and welcoming towards foreign visitors staying longer than usual tourist trips allow. It pays off to do your homework so you’re not met with any unpleasant surprises after moving abroad.

Finally, don’t forget about culture shock. 

Different cultures around the world have their own customs which might take some getting used to, and not everyone will feel comfortable adapting quickly in certain environments. Try visiting potential destinations first before deciding whether they’re suitable places for settling down permanently as a digital nomad or not.

Don’t feel pressured to pick your destination right away — start with the research phase to get a list of potential places you’d be excited and comfortable living and working remotely in. 

Then, weigh your options based on:

  • Cost of living
  • Digital nomad visa requirements
  • Lifestyle in each location
  • Remote work opportunities
  • Internet availability
  • Ease of traveling to and from
  • Personal appeal

From there, you should try to visit your final options before committing so that you get a real taste of what each place is like. That should help you ultimately decide which destination makes the most sense for you to start your digital career. 

Digital nomad-friendly countries

There are several countries that are particularly friendly to digital nomads. Here are some examples:

  1. Estonia: Estonia is a small country in Europe that has created a unique e-Residency program for entrepreneurs and freelancers, allowing them to set up and manage a business remotely. It also offers a high quality of life, low cost of living, and fast internet speeds.
  2. Portugal: Portugal is a popular destination for digital nomads due to its affordable cost of living, temperate climate, and high quality of life. It has also introduced a “nomad visa” program that allows freelancers and entrepreneurs to live and work in the country for up to one year.
  3. Germany: Germany is known for its strong economy and startup culture, making it a great destination for digital nomads looking to connect with other entrepreneurs and professionals. It also offers a high quality of life, excellent healthcare, and efficient public transportation.
  4. Thailand: Thailand is a popular destination for digital nomads due to its low cost of living, warm climate, and welcoming culture. It also offers a range of affordable coworking spaces and high-speed internet.
  5. Mexico: Mexico has a growing community of digital nomads, particularly in destinations like Playa del Carmen and Tulum. It offers a low cost of living, warm climate, and friendly locals, as well as a range of co-working spaces and networking opportunities.
  6. Costa Rica: Costa Rica is known for its natural beauty and eco-tourism, making it a popular destination for digital nomads seeking a laid-back lifestyle. It offers a high quality of life, affordable cost of living, and stable political environment.

Overall, digital nomad friendly countries are those that offer a combination of affordable cost of living, fast internet speeds, a welcoming culture, and opportunities for networking and community building.

Popular digital nomad destinations

A digital nomad working outside in a popular city destination

There are a multitude of alluring and inspiring digital nomad destinations around the world with strong local economies and opportunities aplenty, but here are some of the most popular ones:

  1. Bali, Indonesia: Bali has become a popular destination for a digital nomad adventure due to its affordable cost of living, tropical climate, and vibrant cultural scene.
  2. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Chiang Mai is another popular destination for digital nomads, offering a low cost of living, excellent food, and a thriving expat community.
  3. Lisbon, Portugal: Lisbon has become a hub for digital nomads in Europe, with its affordable cost of living, temperate climate, and vibrant cultural scene.
  4. Medellin, Colombia: Medellin is a vibrant city in Colombia that has become popular with digital nomads due to its mild climate, low cost of living, and friendly locals.
  5. Mexico City, Mexico: Mexico City has a growing local community of digital nomads, offering a mix of modern amenities, historic architecture, and a vibrant arts and culture scene.
  6. Ubud, Bali: Ubud is a popular destination for digital nomads seeking a more tranquil environment than Bali’s bustling beach towns. It’s known for its spiritual and wellness-focused community, lush rice paddies, and tropical jungles.
  7. Prague, Czech Republic: Prague is a beautiful destination in central Europe that has become popular with digital nomads due to its rich history, cultural attractions, and bustling nightlife.
  8. Playa del Carmen, Mexico: Playa del Carmen is a popular digital nomad destination due to its affordable cost of living, beautiful beaches, and warm climate.
  9. Berlin, Germany: Berlin is a vibrant city in Europe that has become popular for digital nomadism due to its affordable cost of living, excellent public transportation, and lively arts and culture scene.
  10. Tbilisi, Georgia: Tbilisi is an up-and-coming destination for digital nomads due to its low cost of living, rich history and culture, and growing tech scene.
  11. Cape Town, South Africa: Cape Town is a stunning destination for digital nomads, offering a blend of natural beauty, vibrant culture, and a growing startup scene.
  12. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon, is a bustling city in Southeast Asia that has become popular with digital nomads due to its low cost of living, delicious food, and friendly locals.

These are just a few examples of popular digital nomad destinations around the world. When choosing a destination, consider factors such as cost of living, climate, safety, and access to high-speed internet.

The importance of travel insurance for digital nomads

Travel insurance for digital nomads is a type of insurance that provides coverage for unexpected events while traveling abroad (when you domestic health insurance won’t help). 

Digital nomads travel frequently and may stay in a country for an extended period of time, so it’s important to have insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost or stolen belongings.

Here are some common types of coverage included in travel insurance for digital nomads:

  1. Medical Coverage: This type of coverage provides financial protection for medical expenses incurred while traveling abroad. It may include emergency medical evacuations, hospitalizations, and doctor visits that your home country’s health insurance won’t cover.
  2. Trip Cancellation and Interruption: This type of coverage provides financial protection for trip cancellations and interruptions due to unforeseen circumstances, such as illness, natural disasters, or political unrest.
  3. Personal Liability: This type of coverage provides financial protection for personal liability claims that may arise while traveling abroad.
  4. Lost or Stolen Belongings: This type of coverage provides financial protection for lost or stolen belongings, such as laptops, cameras, and other valuable items.
  5. Travel Assistance: This type of coverage provides assistance with travel-related emergencies, such as lost passports or travel documents, and may include translation services, emergency cash transfers, and legal assistance.

Here are some recommended travel insurance providers for digital nomads:

  1. World Nomads: World Nomads is a popular insurance provider for digital nomads, offering comprehensive coverage and flexible policies.
  2. SafetyWing: SafetyWing is a travel medical insurance provider that offers affordable coverage for digital nomads and remote workers.
  3. Allianz Travel Insurance: Allianz offers a range of insurance policies, including comprehensive coverage for medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost or stolen belongings.

Overall, insurance is an important investment for digital nomads, providing protection and peace of mind while traveling abroad. When choosing a policy, consider factors such as comprehensive coverage, policy exclusions, and the length of your trip.

Step 6: Set Up Your Work-From-Anywhere “Home” Office

A digital nomad working from home on a laptop

After you’ve picked your destination for the big move, you’ll need to find a suitable place to live and work.

Having the right setup will ensure that you have an efficient and comfortable workspace so you can be productive no matter where you are. 

Here’s what you need to do:

Find a workspace

Finding and setting up your ideal workspace as a digital nomad can take some time, but there are several strategies and resources that can help. 

Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Identify Your Needs: Start by identifying your specific workspace needs. Consider factors such as internet speed, noise level, and privacy requirements. This will help you narrow down your options when searching for a workspace.
  2. Research Co-Working Spaces: Coworking spaces are a popular option for digital nomads, offering a flexible workspace with fast internet, amenities, and networking opportunities. Research coworking hotspots in your chosen destination and consider factors such as cost, location, and amenities.
  3. Look for Cafes and Libraries: Cafes and libraries can also provide a suitable workspace for digital nomads, particularly if you are on a budget. Look for cafes and libraries that offer free Wi-Fi and a quiet, comfortable environment.
  4. Consider Short-Term Rentals: Short-term rentals, such as apartments or houses, can provide a private workspace for digital nomads. Look for rentals that offer fast internet and a designated workspace, such as a desk or table.
  5. Set Up Your Workspace: Once you have identified your workspace, set it up to maximize productivity and comfort. This may include investing in a comfortable chair, setting up a second monitor for your laptop, or adding noise-cancelling headphones.
  6. Stay Organized: Keeping your workspace organized is important for staying productive as a digital nomad. Use tools like task management apps, note-taking apps, and cloud storage to keep your work organized and accessible.

Finding and setting up a workspace as a digital nomad requires research, planning, and creativity. By identifying your specific needs, researching coworking spaces and other options, setting up your workspace for maximum productivity and comfort, and staying organized, you can find and set up a workspace that meets your needs as a digital nomad.

Gather your gear

A digital nomad working on a laptop in a public space

As a digital nomad, having the right gear is essential for staying productive and comfortable while working remotely. 

Here are some essential items for working remotely that most digital nomads should consider to successfully work abroad:

  1. Laptop: A high-quality laptop is essential for digital nomads, providing the computing power and portability needed to work remotely. Look for a laptop with long battery life, fast processing speeds, and a durable design. You should also consider investing in a laptop stand to avoid getting tech neck and poor posture from hunching over to look down at your screen.
  2. Portable Charger: A portable charger is essential for keeping your devices charged while on the go. Look for a charger with a high capacity and multiple USB ports.
  3. Noise-Cancelling Headphones: Noise-cancelling headphones are important for staying focused and productive in noisy environments. Look for headphones with comfortable padding and high-quality noise-cancelling technology.
  4. Wi-Fi Hotspot: A Wi-Fi hotspot provides a reliable internet connection while on the road, crucial for digital nomads who need to stay connected. Look for a hotspot with fast speeds and a large data allowance.
  5. External Hard Drive: An external hard drive provides additional storage for your files and data. Look for a hard drive with a high capacity and fast transfer speeds.
  6. Travel Router: A travel router can provide a secure Wi-Fi network while traveling, essential for digital nomads who need to access sensitive information. Look for a router with a compact design and strong security features.
  7. Backpack: A high-quality backpack is essential for carrying your gear while on the move. Look for a backpack with a durable design, padded straps, and multiple compartments for organization.
  8. Smartphone: A smartphone is essential for staying connected, managing emails, making calls, and accessing important apps.
  9. Webcam: A high-quality webcam is important for video conferencing and remote meetings. Look for a webcam with good resolution and a wide field of view.
  10. Power Strip: A power strip can provide additional outlets for your devices, essential when working from coffee shops or other public spaces.
  11. Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse: An ergonomic keyboard and mouse can help prevent repetitive strain injuries and make working more comfortable. Look for a keyboard and mouse with a comfortable design and customizable settings.
  12. VPN: A VPN can provide additional security and privacy when accessing sensitive information online. Look for a VPN with a user-friendly interface and strong encryption.
  13. Universal Adapter: A universal adapter is essential for international travel, allowing you to plug in your devices in any country. Look for an adapter with multiple outlets and a compact design.
  14. Local SIM card: As a digital nomad, having a local SIM card is important for reliable connectivity, cost savings, and access to local services. It provides cheaper rates for local calls, texts, and data usage, allowing you to stay connected with local contacts. 

Overall, having the right gear is essential for digital nomads to work remotely from anywhere they choose. By investing in a high-quality laptop, portable charger, noise-cancelling headphones, Wi-Fi hotspot, external hard drive, travel router, and backpack, digital nomads can stay productive, connected, and comfortable while on the go.

Create an ergonomic environment

Investing in ergonomic furniture like adjustable home office chairs and adjustable height standing desks can help prevent back pain while working long hours at home. 

A good chair should support both your lower back and neck; if possible get one with lumbar support built-in. A standing desk allows more flexibility during the day – just make sure it’s adjustable so you can alternate between sitting down and standing up throughout the day without having to constantly move around furniture pieces.

Creating a pleasant, adequately-supplied workspace is necessary for any digital nomad who wants to work remotely and productively. With the right setup in place, you can start building your network of contacts as the next step toward becoming a successful digital nomad.

Step 7: Master the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

A digital nomad working outside a cafe

Mastering the digital nomad lifestyle involves more than just picking a destination and setting up a home office. Once you’ve settled into your new location and established your workspace, there are several strategies you can use to maximize your productivity, stay focused, and maintain your physical and mental health. Here are some tips for mastering the digital nomad lifestyle:

  1. Develop Routines and Habits for Success: Establishing daily routines and habits can help you stay organized, focused, and productive. Set consistent work hours, take regular breaks, and prioritize self-care practices like exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep.
  2. Stay Connected with Your Network: Maintaining connections with your network of colleagues, clients, and other remote workers can provide valuable support and resources. Use social media, networking events, and online communities to stay connected and share insights and experiences.
  3. Embrace Flexibility: One of the key advantages of the digital nomad lifestyle is the flexibility it provides. Embrace this flexibility by being open to new opportunities, taking breaks to explore your surroundings, and adjusting your schedule as needed to accommodate unexpected events or opportunities.
  4. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: A growth mindset is essential for mastering the digital nomad lifestyle. Approach challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, stay open to new ideas and perspectives and continue to develop your skills and knowledge to stay competitive in your field.
  5. Create Boundaries Between Work and Leisure: It can be tempting to work all the time when you’re a digital nomad, but it’s important to create boundaries between work and leisure to maintain your physical and mental health. Set specific work hours, establish a separate workspace, and engage in leisure activities that help you recharge and relax.

By following these digital nomad best practices, you can master the lifestyle of the most successful remote workers and enjoy the benefits of location independence, while maintaining your productivity, health, and well-being.

*Related GuidE*

Get more in-depth advice on how to stay productive while working remotely in our guide on the 19 Best Work-From-Home Productivity Tips + Mindset Strategies For Successfully Working Remotely.

Step 8: Start Making Money Online

A digital nomad celebrating while working outside on a laptop

Digital nomads can start making money online in a variety of ways, providing them with the flexibility to work and earn income from wherever they choose. 

Here are some details on some of the most popular ways to make money online as a digital nomad:

  1. Freelancing: Freelancing is a popular option for digital nomads who want to use their skills and expertise to offer services online. Freelance work can include writing, design, web development, social media management, translation, and many other services. Freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer offer digital nomads access to a large pool of clients and job opportunities.
  2. Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing involves promoting other people’s products or services and earning a commission on each sale. Affiliate marketers can promote products through their blog, social media channels, email marketing campaigns, and other digital channels. Affiliate programs like Amazon Associates, ClickBank, and ShareASale offer digital nomads the opportunity to earn commissions on sales.
  3. E-commerce: E-commerce is another popular way for digital nomads to make money online. E-commerce businesses can sell physical products or digital products like e-books, courses, and software. Digital nomads can set up an e-commerce store using platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce and use social media marketing, email marketing, and other digital marketing channels to promote their products.
  4. Online Tutoring: Digital nomads with teaching skills can offer online tutoring services through platforms like VIPKid, Teachable, or Udemy. Online tutoring allows digital nomads to work with students from anywhere in the world and provide services like language learning, test preparation, and other educational services.
  5. Remote Work: Remote work involves working for a company or organization from anywhere in the world. Remote work opportunities can include positions in web development, customer service, project management, and other fields. Job boards like, We Work Remotely, and FlexJobs offer digital nomads access to remote work opportunities in a variety of industries.

Another great option for earning some extra cash is by offering virtual assistant services as a social media manager or doing research tasks remotely. Virtual assistance usually comes with an hourly rate, allowing those involved to control how much time and effort they invest in the job each day. There is also potential for long-term contracts down the road if things go well.

When starting to make money online, digital nomads should consider their skills, interests, and the needs of the market. It’s important to choose opportunities that align with their passions and provide value to others. Building a successful online business or freelancing career takes time, effort, and dedication, but with hard work and persistence, digital nomads can create a rewarding and fulfilling career while enjoying the freedom and flexibility of working remotely.

FAQS on How to Become a Digital Nomad

A digital nomad's workspace

1. What is a digital nomad?

A digital nomad is someone who leverages technology and the internet to work remotely while traveling and living in different locations around the world. Digital nomads are location-independent and have the freedom to work from anywhere with a reliable internet connection.

2. What kind of jobs can digital nomads do?

Digital nomads can work in a variety of fields, including but not limited to web development, graphic design, digital marketing, writing, consulting, software development, project management, customer service representative, and more. They can work as freelancers, remote employees, or entrepreneurs with location-independent businesses.

3. How do I find remote work opportunities?

There are several ways to find remote work opportunities, including searching on remote-specific job boards like, We Work Remotely, and FlexJobs. You can also network with other digital nomads and professionals in your industry or attend events and conferences to learn about new opportunities.

4. How do I prepare for the digital nomad lifestyle?

Before becoming a digital nomad, it’s essential to develop a strong skill set that is in demand for remote work, create a budget to manage your finances, research destinations and their digital nomad visa requirements, and plan your travel logistics. You should also develop a flexible and adaptable mindset, as the digital nomad lifestyle often involves dealing with uncertainty and change.

5. How do digital nomads handle taxes and finances?

Digital nomads need to be aware of their tax obligations in their home country and any other countries they visit. This may involve seeking professional tax advice to ensure compliance with local and international tax laws. To manage finances, digital nomads should choose a suitable bank and credit card for international travel and utilize budgeting tools and apps to track expenses and income.

6. How do digital nomads maintain a work-life balance?

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance as a digital nomad involves setting boundaries between work and personal time, creating routines and habits for productivity, and prioritizing self-care and mental well-being. It’s essential to balance work commitments with leisure activities and cultural immersion in each destination.

7. How do remote workers build a digital nomad community and network while traveling?

Digital nomads can build a community and network by attending events, meetups, and coworking spaces in their destinations, as well as engaging with online communities and social media platforms. Networking can lead to new opportunities, friendships, and support systems while traveling and working remotely.

8. How much does a digital nomad make? 

The income of a digital nomad can range significantly, from as little as $500 to upwards of $10,000 per month depending on their expertise and background. Many digital nomads are able to supplement their income with freelance work or remote jobs that offer competitive wages.

How to become a digital nomad: Wrapping it up

A digital nomad working outside on a laptop

Becoming a digital nomad offers a unique lifestyle that provides the freedom and flexibility to work and travel from anywhere, and embarking on the digital nomad journey is an exciting and transformative experience. By mastering the skills, strategies, and mindset required for a location-independent lifestyle, you can fully embrace the adventure of being a digital nomad.

To become a digital nomad, it’s important to adopt the right mindset, establish routines for success, and take advantage of the many tools and resources available to remote workers. It also requires finding ways to make money online, such as freelancing, e-commerce, affiliate marketing, and remote work. It’s important to choose opportunities that align with your skills and interests and provide value to others.

To thrive as a digital nomad, it’s essential to prioritize your health and well-being, maintain a work-life balance, and build a network of like-minded individuals. By taking advantage of tools like project management software, accounting software, and virtual mailboxes, you can streamline your work and stay organized while traveling.

Overall, becoming a digital nomad requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to embrace change and uncertainty. But for those who are willing to take the leap, the rewards can be significant, offering the freedom and flexibility to work and travel on your own terms.

I hope this guide has helped you understand what becoming and being a digital nomad entails, and if you believe this lifestyle is right for you, I look forward to hearing about your journey to success.

*Related GuidE*

Now that you know how to become a digital nomad, check out this guide on reputable companies that allow you to work remotely from anywhere:

41 Best Remote-First Companies + Fully Remote Companies That Let You Work Remotely From Anywhere.

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