Best Virtual Team Building Activities for Remote Companies

Virtual team building activities are the lifeline of a harmonious and effective remote workforce. As our working world continues to adapt to an increasing reliance on remote workers and virtual distributed teams, the need for strategies that foster connection and engagement in an online setting is more crucial than ever. 

This guide is an extensive resource designed to equip leaders and managers with the tools necessary to cultivate strong virtual teams.

We’ll delve into the intricacies of virtual team dynamics, the principles of effective remote team building, and of course, a wide variety of activities for remote teams. As we navigate through each segment, you will discover practical advice on creating an inclusive, productive virtual workspace that bridges the physical gap between team members.

Our goal is to help you turn the challenges of remote team management into opportunities for growth and development. Regardless of the nature of your team, be it fully remote or hybrid, this guide on virtual team building activities for remote workers is designed to enable you to foster a culture of collaboration and unity in your team. 

Now, let’s embark on this journey together to create work environments that are not only productive but also enjoyable for everyone involved.

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How to Do Effective Virtual Team Building: Key Principles


Successful virtual team building only happens when remote companies make an active, consistent effort. After all, creating strong bonds between remote teammates who’ve never had a conversation in real life is easier said than done.

If you run a remote-first company or fully remote company, it’s vital to build a sense of togetherness between your employees so that they enjoy interacting with each other and they rally behind one another with support to keep morale high when work gets tough.

Figuring out the best virtual team-building activities for your business depends on your company culture and remote workers’ distinct personalities. It also relies on a few key principles that serve as guideposts to creating activities that genuinely bring your team closer.

These principles – Inclusivity, Engagement, Purpose, and Consistency – guide the best remote team-building activities’ design and execution. Imbuing your team-building with them makes it more likely that your efforts yield the desired outcomes: fostering a united, engaged, and productive remote team. Let’s dive deeper into each principle and its crucial role in effective virtual team building.


Inclusivity forms the bedrock of successful team building. When planning virtual team building activities, it is important to ensure that they are accessible and enjoyable for everyone on the team. This principle extends beyond just making sure everyone can participate—it also means respecting and appreciating the diverse backgrounds and perspectives that each virtual team member brings.

For instance, consider team members who might be in different time zones. Schedule activities at times that are reasonable for all participants. When remote employees span across many time zones, consider rotating the times of activities for remote teams or creating asynchronous activities where team members can participate at their own convenience.

On top of that, consider the varying comfort levels with technology among your remote workers. Ensure that the chosen platforms and tools for your activities are user-friendly and provide necessary support and training for those who might struggle with them.


Engagement is a crucial component of any virtual team building activity. It is not enough to simply have everyone present—each virtual team member should be actively participating and engaged in the process. The virtual format of these activities does pose a unique challenge, but with creative solutions, you can ensure high levels of interaction.

For example, choose activities that require active participation, such as problem-solving tasks, games, or discussions. Make sure that the activities are not just passive webinars or presentations where remote workers are likely to zone out. The activities should encourage conversation, collaboration, and the sharing of ideas.

Then, consider the diverse interests and personalities within your team. Mix up the types of activities, ranging from competitive games to more relaxed social gatherings, to cater to different preferences and to keep the team-building experience fresh and exciting.

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Every virtual team-building activity should serve a clear purpose. This does not necessarily mean that every activity must be strictly work-related or serious—activities meant purely for relaxation and fun are equally important. However, it does mean that you should be intentional about the activities you choose.

If your goal is to improve communication within the team, choose an activity that requires participants to collaborate and exchange ideas. If your aim is to foster creativity, consider activities that involve brainstorming or creative problem-solving. If you simply want to give the team a chance to relax and bond, a casual social event might be the perfect choice.

Regardless of the purpose, it is important to communicate it to the team before the activity. This helps set expectations and allows remote team members to understand the value of their participation.


The benefits of remote team building activities are not realized overnight. Building a cohesive, collaborative team takes time and consistency, which is why consistency is key. Regular virtual team building activities ensure that remote workers continually engage with one another in different contexts, which over time helps build stronger relationships and virtual team bonding.

Consider scheduling regular remote team building activities, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Make these activities a normal part of your team’s routine, and ensure that they are not overlooked or pushed aside when work gets busy. Consistent virtual team-building activities also provide the opportunity to explore a variety of options and to iterate and improve based on team feedback.

Remember that while consistency is key, it is equally crucial to avoid overwhelming your team with too many scheduled activities. Always consider your team members’ workloads and individual preferences and strive to strike a balance that encourages both productivity and team unity.

How to Overcome Challenges in Remote and Virtual Team Building


Virtual team building poses a unique set of challenges. Whether it’s navigating technological hurdles, juggling different time zones, maintaining team engagement, or addressing cultural differences, each issue requires a thoughtful and proactive approach to ensure that your virtual team can bond effectively. Below we delve into these challenges and provide concrete strategies to overcome them.

Tackle Technological Hurdles

While technology enables us to connect with team members located in various parts of the world, it can also pose significant hurdles, especially for those who are less technologically inclined. The variety of digital tools necessary for remote work, such as video conferencing platforms, collaboration software, and project management tools, can seem overwhelming to some.

To mitigate this challenge, consider offering training sessions or detailed user guides to familiarize team members with the necessary technology. Regular tech-based remote team building activities can also serve as a practical and fun way for remote workers to get comfortable with these tools. 

Additionally, providing a tech support system or platform where team members can quickly get help when they encounter difficulties can greatly ease this hurdle. Project management tools like Jira and customer service software like Zendesk are great options for managing and addressing tech-related issues efficiently.

Bridge Time Zone Differences

Teams spread across different time zones may find it challenging to coordinate activities that accommodate everyone’s schedule. It’s crucial to ensure that no single team member or group consistently bears the brunt of inconvenient timings.

To resolve this issue, rotate the times of your team-building activities. This strategy ensures that everyone shares the inconvenience and no one feels consistently left out. Time zone coordination tools like World Time Buddy or Every Time Zone can significantly ease the scheduling process across multiple time zones.

Boost Engagement in Virtual Settings

Ensuring team engagement in a virtual setting can be a complex task. Without physical interactions and face-to-face connections, team members may struggle to feel a sense of camaraderie or belonging.

To enhance engagement, strive to keep your virtual team building activities varied and interactive. Try to experiment with different formats, themes, and digital tools to keep things exciting and fresh. Platforms like Kahoot! for gamified quizzes or Slido for interactive Q&As can add an element of fun and interactivity to your activities, thereby boosting engagement.

Address Cultural Differences

When teams are distributed globally, cultural differences are likely to surface. These differences can potentially lead to misunderstandings or communication gaps if not adequately addressed.

To foster cultural understanding and mutual respect, encourage team members to share about their cultures during team-building activities. Incorporating activities that focus on learning about different cultures can be educational, insightful, and fun. Using tools like Doodle can help gather information about team members’ cultural preferences, helping you tailor your team-building activities to be more inclusive and culturally sensitive.

How to Choose the Right Virtual and Remote Team Building Activities


Choosing the right virtual team building activities is critical to their success. The best activities align with your team’s interests, the size of your remote team, the objectives of the team building initiative, and your company culture. Here are a few tips to help you select the most suitable activities:

Understand Your Team’s Interests and Preferences

Not all activities will be suitable or appealing to every team. It’s crucial to understand the dynamics of your team, their individual and collective interests, and their comfort levels with various activities. 

To assess this, you could send out a survey asking for their input or host an open discussion where team members can voice their opinions. Include a range of activities in the survey from the active (virtual fitness challenge) to the more relaxed (virtual book club), and see what resonates. The success of any team building activity greatly depends on the active participation of its members, so it’s important that the activities you choose resonate with the majority of your team.

Define Clear Objectives

Every team building activity should have a clear, well-defined objective. Are you aiming to improve communication, foster a sense of unity, encourage creativity, or simply provide a space for social interaction? 

Perhaps your goal is a mix of these. Having a clear objective not only guides your selection process but also helps you design the activities to meet these goals. For instance, if improving communication is the goal, activities like the ‘Virtual Escape Room’ or ‘Online Puzzle Challenge’ could be highly effective as they require clear and collaborative communication to be successful.

Consider Logistical Factors

Logistical factors such as the size of your team, the different time zones team members are in, and the available tools and technology play a significant role in what activities you can carry out. Large teams might find it challenging to organize activities that require everyone’s simultaneous presence, especially if the team is spread across multiple time zones. 

In such cases, asynchronous activities, like a ‘Shared Playlist’ or ‘Photo of the Day’, can work well. Tools and technology available to your team also play a big part. Ensure that whatever activity you select, your team has access to the required technology and feels comfortable using it.

Ensure Inclusivity

Inclusivity is so important in any online team building activity that we’re mentioning it again. It’s crucial to respect the diverse backgrounds, abilities, and preferences within your team. Choose activities that are universally accessible and enjoyable. 

For instance, if a remote team member is uncomfortable with an activity like “Virtual Happy Hours” due to personal reasons, it’s important to respect that and have alternative activities available. Furthermore, activities should be as inclusive as possible in terms of physical abilities and should not disadvantage any member due to physical constraints. 

Always ensure that no one is left out or uncomfortable, because the ultimate goal of these activities is to build unity and camaraderie within the team.

By paying careful attention to these factors, you can curate a selection of fun virtual team building activities that will truly engage your remote team, avoid alienating anyone, and help build stronger relationships, even in a remote work setting.

What are the Best Virtual Team Building Activities for Remote Workers?


Now that we’ve established the principles guiding our choice and design of online team building activities, let’s explore some specific activities you can introduce to your remote teams. These activities are designed to cater to a variety of interests and objectives, and they encourage connection and engagement in different ways. As you consider these options, remember to apply the principles of inclusivity, engagement, purpose, and regularity to ensure their success.

1. Virtual Coffee Breaks

Just because your team is remote doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a coffee break together. Virtual coffee breaks are simple, informal virtual meetings where team members can gather to chat about non-work-related topics. These casual catch-ups mimic the spontaneous conversations that happen around the office watercooler or coffee machine.

To administer this effectively, schedule regular coffee breaks that suit your team’s schedule – this could be a weekly or bi-weekly 30-minute slot. You can use video call tools such as Zoom or Google Meet. Remember to keep the conversation light and social to give your team a break from work-related discussions.

2. Virtual Escape Rooms

Virtual escape rooms can enhance problem-solving skills and teamwork in an exciting and engaging way. These online office games help teams work together to solve puzzles and “escape” within a set timeframe.

Companies like The Escape Game offer remote versions of these experiences, complete with a live host who guides your team through fun games. To administer this effectively, ensure you provide a clear explanation of the online game rules, and encourage teams to communicate and collaborate to solve the puzzles.

3. Shared Playlist


Music is a universal language that can help bring your team together. A shared playlist allows team members to contribute their favorite tunes, fostering a sense of unity and providing a window into each person’s unique tastes.

You can easily create shared playlists on platforms like Spotify or Apple Music. This can be an ongoing virtual team building activity where team members can add songs at their leisure. To encourage engagement, consider creating themed playlists (e.g., ‘Motivation Monday’ or ‘Feel-good Friday’), or ask team members to share why they added a particular song.

4. Home Office Show-and-Tell

A home office show-and-tell is a wonderful way for remote employees to share a bit of their personal world with the team. Each participant can give a short tour of their workspace, explain their setup, or share something unique or meaningful in their office.

This can be done via a video conference call tool during a dedicated virtual meeting. Encourage team members to share aspects of their workspace that they love or tips on how they stay productive. This not only promotes bonding but also provides valuable insights that others in the team can implement.

By diving into each of these activities and considering how to apply them effectively, you can create meaningful connections within your remote teams. Each activity offers unique benefits and opportunities for engagement, and when combined, they can help cultivate a strong, collaborative remote work culture.

5. Virtual Fitness Challenge

A virtual fitness challenge is a great way to promote health and well-being within your team while also fostering a sense of camaraderie. Team members can share their fitness goals and progress, and encourage each other along the way. This challenge can be as simple as a daily step count competition, a yoga challenge, or even training for a virtual marathon together.

Platforms like Strava allow team members to share their workouts and progress. For the challenge to be inclusive, make sure it caters to different fitness levels and include non-competitive elements such as sharing healthy recipes or mindfulness techniques.

6. Photo of the Day

A photo of the day activity can bring out the creative side of your team members and allows them to share a bit of their world. Each day, a team member can share a photo they’ve taken and tell the story behind it. This could be a picture of their workspace, a beautiful scene from their walk, their pet doing something funny, or anything else they want to share.

You can set up a dedicated channel for this on your team communication platform, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams. This activity is not only fun but can also serve as a conversation starter and a way to get to know each other better.

7. Virtual Book Club


Starting a virtual book club can be a fantastic way to foster intellectual stimulation and deeper conversations among your team. Members can take turns choosing a book each month, and then the club meets virtually to discuss thoughts and takeaways.

There are numerous platforms to facilitate this, such as Bookclubz, or you can simply use a video conferencing tool like Zoom. Make sure the book selections cater to different tastes and that everyone has enough time to read the book.

8. Online Gaming Session

Online games can create a fun and competitive atmosphere that promotes teamwork and improves communication. There are a wide variety of virtual team games that suit different tastes, such as strategy games, virtual team trivia, or multiplayer adventures.

Platforms like Steam offer a plethora of online games suitable for groups. You could also consider browser-based multiplayer games like for casual, fun sessions. Ensure the virtual team games chosen are suitable for all distributed employees and that the environment remains friendly and inclusive.

9. Cooking Challenge

A cooking challenge not only provides an opportunity for your team to share their culinary skills but also promotes learning and cultural exchange. Team members can share their favorite recipes, have a cook-off, or even host a virtual cooking lesson.

This can be facilitated through virtual conference call and a shared document or platform for recipe exchange. Remember to consider dietary restrictions and preferences, and ensure that the ingredients required are easily accessible to everyone.

These activities are designed to foster connection and engagement among remote teams in various ways. Choose the ones that align best with your team’s interests and dynamics, and don’t forget to always apply the principles of inclusivity, engagement, purpose, and regularity for the best outcomes.

10. Virtual Happy Hours


A virtual happy hour is a wonderful way to boost team morale and team bonding through unwinding and socializing with one another in a non-work setting. Team members can bring their beverage of choice to a video call, and engage in casual conversation, play fun virtual games, or discuss common interests, making this particular virtual meeting fun.

Organize this using a video chat platform such as Microsoft Teams or Google Meet. To spice it up, consider introducing themes or virtual team trivia games into the mix. Make sure to schedule the happy hour at a time that is convenient for everyone, and remember that participation should always be optional and inclusive to team members who prefer not to drink alcohol.

11. Virtual Volunteering

Volunteering as an entire team is a powerful way to create bonds while contributing to a cause. Virtual volunteering allows your team to do this from wherever they are located. This could involve activities such as online mentoring, content creation for non-profits, virtual fundraising, and more.

Look for opportunities on platforms like VolunteerMatch which offers virtual volunteering positions. This activity not only promotes team bonding but also boosts morale by giving back to the community.

12. Talent Show

Hosting a virtual talent show is a fun and entertaining way for team members to share their unique skills and hobbies outside of work. This could range from musical performances and magic tricks to cooking demonstrations and art exhibitions.

Organize this event using a video conferencing tool. Ensure that everyone who wants to participate gets a chance to do so, and those who prefer to watch are welcome to. This activity fosters a sense of community and allows team members to appreciate the diversity and talents within the team.

13. Virtual Icebreaker Questions

Icebreaker questions are a quick and easy way to get team members to open up. These could be simple, fun questions like “What’s your favorite movie?” or deeper, thought-provoking questions like “If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be?” The idea is to spur conversation and get people to share more about themselves. You can do this at the start of every virtual meeting or set up a dedicated session once a week.

14. Virtual Workshops

Workshops provide a platform for learning and engagement. They could be related to the work your team does, like a design workshop for a design team, or general topics that interest your team, like a mindfulness or cooking workshop. This not only builds skills but also encourages interaction and collaboration. The workshops could be facilitated by a team member or an external expert.

15. Online Collaborative Art

Organizing a collaborative art project can be a creative and engaging virtual team-building activity. This could be as simple as a shared digital canvas where everyone contributes or more complex activities like a collective mural project where everyone creates a part of the mural at home and then combines it. This encourages creativity and gives everyone on the team a sense of shared accomplishment.

16. International Cuisine Day

Invite team members to share recipes and photos of their favorite dishes from their own or other cultures. This is a great way to learn about different cultures and cuisines, and it gives everyone a chance to show off their culinary skills. This could be an ongoing event with a different cuisine each time.

17. Virtual Scavenger Hunt

A virtual scavenger hunt can be a fun, engaging activity. You can use a tool like GooseChase or create your own hunt. Give team members a list of items or tasks to find or complete and have them submit photo proof. The tasks could be work-related or just for fun, like “find something red” or “do 10 jumping jacks.”

18. Online Movie Night

Choose a movie and set up a time for everyone to watch it together using a tool like Netflix Party or Teleparty. This replicates the shared experience of watching a movie in a theater but from the comfort of everyone’s own home. After the movie, you can have a discussion about it.

19. Virtual Yoga Session


A virtual yoga session can be an excellent way to promote physical wellness and reduce stress. You could hire a yoga instructor to conduct a live session or use a pre-recorded session. This can be a regular activity to start the day fresh or to wind down at the end of the week.

20. Mastermind Groups

Mastermind groups are a powerful way to share knowledge, solve problems, and grow together. Split your team into small groups and have them meet regularly to discuss their goals, challenges, and progress. This promotes a culture of continuous learning and strengthens relationships within the team.

21. Mind Mapping Sessions

Mind mapping sessions can be used to brainstorm ideas, solve problems, or plan projects. You can use tools like Miro or MindMeister for this. This encourages collaboration and gives everyone a chance to contribute their ideas.

22. Virtual Lunches


Organize virtual lunches where team members eat lunch together via video chat. This simulates the experience of eating together in a physical office and provides an opportunity for casual, non-work-related conversations.

23. Language Learning Groups

Set up language learning groups where team members can learn a new language together. This could be a language that is useful for their work or a language that they are personally interested in. There are numerous online resources and apps like Duolingo that can be used for this.

24. Online Team Quizzes

Online team quizzes can create a lively and competitive atmosphere, all while promoting learning and engagement. The topics can range from work-related knowledge to general trivia, providing a fun way for teams to learn together and make virtual meetings fun.

Platforms like Kahoot or QuizBreaker allow you to set up these online team building quizzes easily. You can administer them during a dedicated virtual meeting, or as part of a larger team gathering. Make sure to rotate the topics to cater to the diverse interests of your team members.

25. Shared Goals and Challenges

Create shared goals or challenges that the team can work towards together. This could be a work-related goal, like a sales target, or a fun challenge, like everyone running a total of 100 miles in a month. This creates a sense of camaraderie and shared accomplishment.

26. Virtual Hackathons

Virtual hackathons can be a great way to foster innovation and collaboration during a team meeting. Give the team a problem or a theme and have them work in small groups to come up with a solution or a project. This can be a day-long event or spread over a week.

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27. Book Design Session

A book design session can be a fun and creative activity. Have team members design a book cover for their favorite book or a book they recently read. You can use a tool like Canva for this. At the end of the session, everyone can share their designs and why they chose that book.

28. TED Talk Discussion

Choose a TED Talk related to your work or a topic of interest to the team. Have everyone watch it before a virtual meeting and then use part of the team meeting minutes to discuss it. This promotes learning and gives everyone a chance to share their insights.

29. Online Team Karaoke Session

An online team karaoke session can be a fun way to let loose and have some fun. You can use a tool like Smule or KaraFun for this. To make it more interesting, you could have a theme for the session, like ’80s hits or Disney songs.

30. Virtual Field Trips

Take your team on a virtual field trip to a museum, zoo, or landmark using a virtual tour. This provides a break from work and can be a fun, educational experience. You could even turn it into a virtual game by creating a quiz based on the tour.

31. Vision Board Creation

Have team members create a vision board for their personal or professional goals. This could be done using a physical board and cutouts or digitally using a tool like Canva. This helps team members articulate their goals and dreams and can be a great conversation starter.

32. Pet Show-and-Tell


Have a pet show-and-tell session where team members introduce their pets or share pictures of them. This can be a fun, casual activity that helps team members bond over their shared love of animals.

33. DIY Project Showcase

Organize a DIY project showcase where team members can share a DIY project they’ve done or demonstrate a DIY skill they have. This can be anything from knitting to woodworking to coding.

34. Gardening Club


Start a gardening club where team members can share their gardening experiences, tips, and photos of their plants. This can be a fun, relaxing activity that also promotes sustainability.

35. Guest Speaker Session

Invite a guest speaker to talk on a topic of interest to the team. This could be someone from within your organization or an external expert. This not only provides learning opportunities but also breaks the monotony of regular work.

36. Personal Development Plan Workshop

Hold a personal development plan workshop where team members set their professional goals and plan their career growth. This promotes a culture of continuous learning and shows your team that you care about their growth.

37. Virtual Reality Meetups

If your team is up for it, have meetups in virtual reality. Platforms like AltspaceVR allow fun virtual meetings where you can chat, play a virtual game, and even have presentations. This provides a unique, immersive experience that can make virtual interactions more engaging.

38. Storytelling Sessions

Organize storytelling sessions where team members share personal stories or anecdotes. This could be related to their career, travels, life experiences, or even fictional stories they’ve written. This not only enhances communication skills but also helps team members learn more about each other.

39. Virtual Music Jam


If you have team members who play musical instruments, a virtual music jam session can be a great bonding experience. Participants can take turns playing their favorite tunes, or even collaborate on a piece. This activity not only encourages creativity but also provides a fun and relaxing break from work.

40. Themed Costume Parties

Hosting a themed virtual party where everyone dresses up according to a chosen theme, such as the 70s, superheroes, or a favorite movie can be a lot of fun. This can be accompanied by themed virtual trivia or games, and is a great way to spark creativity and laughter.

41. Virtual Treasure Hunt

Set up a virtual treasure hunt where the entire team must solve clues to advance in the game. The clues can be work-related, based on team members’ personal interests, or related to current events. This game fosters critical thinking and teamwork, and you can appoint someone with a fun personality to be a virtual game show host for the event.

42. Origami Challenge

A virtual origami challenge can be a relaxing and creative activity. You can all learn to make a specific design together, or hold a contest to see who can come up with the most creative design. This activity also promotes focus and patience.

43. Public Speaking Club

A public speaking club provides a platform for team members to hone their speaking and presentation skills. Each session, someone can give a short speech or presentation, which can then be discussed and critiqued by the group. This can be a great way to build confidence and communication skills.

44. Travel Photo Sharing


Create a travel photo sharing session where team members share pictures from their favorite trips and tell stories about their experiences. This is a great way for team members to share a bit about their personal lives and interests while making your virtual meetings fun.

45. Online Team Puzzle Challenge

Online office games like puzzles or riddles can be a great way to engage team members in problem-solving and critical thinking. This could range from jigsaw puzzles to Sudoku to complex riddles. You could even set up a leaderboard for some friendly competition.

46. Virtual Magic Show

Host a virtual magic show where team members can show off their magic tricks. This can be a fun, light-hearted activity that encourages creativity and humor.

47. Live Skills Workshop

Invite team members to share their unique skills or hobbies in live workshops. This could be anything from painting to coding to cooking. It’s a great way to learn something new and appreciate the talents within your team.

48. Healthy Cooking Competition


Organize a friendly competition on cooking healthy dishes where participants share their favorite recipes and present the final product. This can be a fun way to promote healthy living and learn new recipes.

49. Documentary Discussion

Choose a documentary related to your industry or a general topic of interest. Have the team watch it independently and then organize a discussion. This is a great way to broaden your team’s knowledge and stimulate insightful conversations.

50. Online Chess Tournament


An online chess tournament can be a great way to foster strategic thinking and concentration. and are great platforms for setting up tournaments. This could be a one-off event or an ongoing league with regular games.

51. Remote Puzzle-Building

This activity involves each team member receiving a piece of a larger puzzle in the mail, with each individual responsible for decorating their piece. Once completed, everyone presents their work on a virtual call and tries to assemble the puzzle together virtually. This activity promotes creativity and collective problem-solving.

52. International Dance Day

With this activity, team members can share traditional dances from their cultures, followed by a live tutorial to teach others. This promotes diversity and understanding among team members, and a bit of fun and laughter.

53. DIY Home Decor Session

Invite team members to share DIY home decor projects. It promotes creativity and offers team members the opportunity to learn something new and useful.

54. Personal Development Book Club

Unlike a regular book club, a personal development book club involves team members reading self-improvement books and discussing key takeaways. This activity can inspire growth and learning.

55. Virtual Choir

Create a virtual choir where each team member records themselves singing a part of a song. Afterward, all the videos are edited together to create a harmonious piece.

56. Guided Meditation Session


A virtual guided meditation session can provide a calming break for remote employees. You could invite a professional or have team members take turns guiding the session.

57. Financial Planning Webinar

Invite a financial planner to conduct a webinar for your team. This provides an opportunity for them to learn about financial planning and ask questions.

58. Online Team Art Exhibition

Ask team members to share their art (drawing, painting, digital art, etc.), then create a virtual gallery showcasing everyone’s work. This encourages creativity and appreciation of each other’s talents.

59. Remote Coding Competition


If your team consists of programmers or people interested in coding, a remote coding competition can be a fun and challenging activity.

60. Wine/Coffee Tasting Session

If team members enjoy wine or coffee, organize a tasting session where everyone brings their favorite variety and shares their thoughts and experiences.

61. Virtual Astronomy Night


Team members can use apps like Star Walk to explore the night sky from their backyards and share their findings with each other.

62. Poetry Reading

Have a session where team members can share their favorite poems or even their own poetry. This promotes sharing and appreciation of the written word.

63. Cloud Watching

An activity where team members share pictures of clouds and discuss what shapes or patterns they see. It’s a fun, relaxing activity that encourages imagination.

64. Comedy Night

Hold a comedy night where everyone shares their favorite jokes or funny stories. This will surely lead to laughter and a light-hearted atmosphere.

65. Sustainable Living Workshop


Invite a sustainability expert to hold a workshop on sustainable living. Team members can learn about various ways they can make their lives more eco-friendly.

66. Group Journaling

Hold a group journaling session where everyone writes about a given topic for a certain amount of time, then shares what they wrote if they feel comfortable. This encourages reflection and sharing.

67. Virtual Board Games

Playing virtual board games can be a fun way to engage your team. Websites like Tabletopia have a vast collection of board games that can be played online.

68. Virtual Silent Disco

In a virtual silent disco, everyone dances to their own music at home but shares the experience via video call. This can be a fun and liberating experience.

69. Virtual Cooking Classes

Invite a professional chef to hold a virtual cooking class. The team can learn to prepare a specific dish and enjoy the fruits of their labor afterward.

70. DIY Craft Challenge

A DIY craft challenge allows team members to share their artistic skills with the team. One team member could lead a session, demonstrating step-by-step instructions on how to create a specific craft. This activity helps engage remote teams, encourages creativity, and offers a relaxing break from work.

71. Virtual Dance Party


This fun-filled team building activity is a lively way to get everyone up and moving, adding an energetic burst to your typical workday. The concept is simple: choose a specific time, create a shared playlist with contributions from all team members, and invite everyone to join a video call where they can let loose and show off their dance moves.

Besides being a great stress-buster, a virtual dance party encourages team members to express themselves freely, leading to a more open and connected team dynamic. Moreover, dancing is an excellent form of exercise, making this activity beneficial for physical health as well. To make it even more engaging, consider introducing weekly or monthly dance themes. From 80’s disco to contemporary pop, the possibilities are endless.

Remember, the aim is not to showcase perfect dance routines, but rather to have fun, share some laughs, and foster a sense of camaraderie among the team over video conference. A virtual dance party is not only about building stronger connections but also about promoting a healthy work-life balance and a positive team spirit.

72. Virtual Trash Challenge

The Virtual Trash Challenge is an engaging, eco-conscious activity that encourages your team members to make a positive impact on their local environment. Participants simply take a walk around their neighborhood, park, or beach, picking up trash as they go. 

They can share before and after pictures, along with the most unusual items they find. This activity promotes environmental awareness and provides a refreshing break from the confines of the home office, all while serving as a meaningful team-building exercise.

FAQs on Virtual Team Building Activites for Remote Teams


Here are some common questions people have about remote and virtual team-building activities for distributed and virtual teams. 

What is Virtual Team Building?

Virtual team building involves creating and facilitating any online team building activity that give remote employees an opportunity to socialize and build relationships with their colleagues who might be located in different parts of the world. 

In essence, virtual team building activities are designed to emulate the benefits of traditional in-person team-building exercises, helping to bridge the physical distance and build genuine, lasting connections even when team members are separated by miles, national borders, or oceans.

Digital tools are at the heart of these activities. For instance, video call software like Zoom provides the digital space for interaction, team communication platforms like Slack can foster casual and ongoing conversations, and online collaborative platforms like Miro can be used for joint brainstorming or problem-solving activities. Getting a powerful suite of virtual team building tools like these set up for your remote company is essential in administering any online team building event you put on. 

Why is Virtual Team Building Important?


Fun virtual team building ideas play a critical role in maintaining morale, productivity, and engagement among remote workers. In the absence of physical interactions and the casual socializing that naturally happens in an office environment, remote employees may feel isolated and disconnected. 

By encouraging online team games and social interactions, virtual team building events can help engage productive remote teams and mitigate feelings of isolation.

Beyond socializing, effective virtual team building activities can also contribute to enhancing communication, trust, and collaboration among remote team members. Activities like playing online games together can simulate problem-solving scenarios or strategic planning exercises, fostering stronger professional relationships in the process. They also allow for the identification of strengths and team dynamics that might be less noticeable during day-to-day work activities.

In order to facilitate these activities, companies can take advantage of several available tools. Project management platforms like or Trello can help coordinate virtual team building events, thanks to their features that support real-time collaboration and communication. Additionally, platforms like Icebreaker offer a suite of virtual team-building games that can make these activities more engaging and enjoyable.

What’s the Difference Between Remote Teams and Virtual Teams?


Although the terms are often used interchangeably, there are critical distinctions between remote teams and virtual teams that can somewhat impact the approach to online team building.

A remote team refers to a group of individuals who work together towards a common purpose or project, but they are physically located in different places. These could be different offices, cities, or even countries. Despite their geographic dispersion, they all report to the same organization and usually the same manager.

A virtual team, on the other hand, is composed of people brought together for a project or purpose but answer to different managers. Members of a virtual team can come from different departments or even different organizations.

The primary difference between the two lies in the reporting structure and the type of management required. 

Remote teams usually work under a single manager who has direct authority over them, despite the physical separation. The challenge for remote teams typically revolves around maintaining communication, collaboration, and team cohesion when team members are not co-located.

Virtual teams, conversely, can present an additional layer of complexity. Since team members may answer to different managers, the project manager has to lead through influence rather than direct authority. This dynamic calls for strong leadership skills, excellent communication, and effective team building efforts to foster a sense of unity and shared purpose among team members who might not have the same immediate priorities or reporting lines.

While the challenges associated with remote and virtual teams might vary, the end goal is the same: to foster a sense of teamwork and ensure effective collaboration, no matter where team members are located. That’s why understanding these nuances can help tailor your team-building activities to meet the unique needs of your team, be it remote or virtual.

What are the Best Virtual Team Building Kits?


Virtual team building kits are a unique way to engage your remote team. These kits are pre-packaged resources or tools designed to facilitate virtual team building ideas. They can include a variety of elements like games, challenges, discussion prompts, and more. Some even offer facilitated experiences, handling the planning and execution of activities for you.

Here are some recommendations for the best virtual team building kits we know:

  • The Go Game: The Go Game offers a variety of virtual team activities, from game shows to a virtual escape room experience, all designed to promote connection and engagement among remote teams. Each experience is hosted by a professional event coordinator, providing a seamless and fun team building session.
  • TeamBuilding: Teambuilding provides a range of virtual team building activities facilitated by experienced hosts. They offer options like virtual murder mysteries, escape rooms, and story-telling workshops.
  • Tiny Campfire: With Tiny Campfire, your team gets to enjoy a campfire experience complete with ghost stories and a s’mores making session. Each participant gets a kit with a mini campfire, ingredients for s’mores, and a few other goodies.
  • SnackNation: While not a traditional team building kit, SnackNation delivers curated snack boxes to your team members. You can then organize a virtual tasting event or simply enjoy the shared experience of trying the same snacks.

Remember to assess your team’s needs and preferences when choosing a virtual team building kit. By providing a comprehensive, pre-planned experience, these kits can be an effective tool for a virtual team building event.

How Do You Measure the Success of Your Virtual Team Building Event?

Ensuring that your virtual team building activities are successful is not only about execution but also about careful measurement and assessment of their impact. But how exactly can you gauge the success of virtual team events? Here’s a detailed look at the strategies you can employ:

Feedback Surveys

The first and most direct way to measure the success of your team building activities is through feedback surveys. By directly asking participants about their experience, you’re getting firsthand insights into what worked and what didn’t. 

Tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms make it easy to design comprehensive, easy-to-use surveys that can gauge the overall response to the activity. They also provide analysis features, allowing you to quantify the responses and track changes over time.

In these surveys, consider asking about the perceived value of the activities, what team members liked or disliked, and any suggestions they might have for future initiatives. This feedback can then guide you in refining your team building strategies moving forward.

Participation Rates

Participation rates serve as another vital barometer of the success of your team building activities. If you notice that participation is consistently high, it’s an indicator that the activities are resonating well with your team. They look forward to them and actively engage in them.

On the other hand, a decline in participation over time could signify a disconnect. It might suggest the need to change the activities you’re offering or to address other potential issues causing the decline. Monitoring and addressing participation rates can thus ensure sustained engagement with your virtual team building efforts.


Observation during the activities can also give you insights into their effectiveness. Are the team members interactive and enthusiastic during the activities? Do the quieter team members feel comfortable enough to participate, or do you notice the same people always dominating the conversations?

By keeping an eye on these dynamics, you can gauge whether your activities are inclusive and engaging for all members, or whether adjustments are needed to ensure broader participation and interaction.

Performance Metrics

Ultimately, successful team building activities should enhance team performance. As such, it’s vital to keep a tab on relevant performance metrics. These could include project completion times, the quality of work, or communication efficiency.

You can track these metrics using project management tools like or Trello. Over time, improvements in these areas can validate the success of your team building activities, highlighting their concrete impact on your team’s operational efficiency.

Employee Satisfaction

Lastly, regular assessment of remote employees’ satisfaction can also reflect the success of your team-building initiatives. This could be done through an annual or bi-annual employee survey. Tools like BetterUp, 15five, or TinyPulse facilitate continuous feedback and pulse surveys, allowing you to keep a finger on the pulse of your team’s sentiment.

Improvements in satisfaction over time, correlated with regular team building activities, can underscore the positive impact these initiatives have on team morale and camaraderie.

What is the Role of Leadership in Successful Virtual Team Building?


Leaders play a pivotal role in creating and nurturing successful virtual teams. They not only manage tasks and performance but also set the tone for team culture and heavily influence the effectiveness of virtual team building activities. Below, we delve into the key aspects of leadership that contribute to effective virtual team building.

Cultivating a Positive Virtual Team Culture

The culture of a team greatly influences its productivity, cohesion, and overall job satisfaction. In a virtual team setting, leaders are responsible for cultivating a culture of open communication, mutual respect, and a strong sense of community.

Leaders can facilitate this by staying regularly connected with their team, encouraging open communication, and acknowledging and celebrating successes. Tools like Slack for team communication, Trello for task management, and 15Five for performance management can assist leaders in fostering a positive virtual team culture.

Promoting a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Working remotely can often blur the lines between work and personal life. Leaders should promote a healthy work-life balance by setting clear boundaries and expectations about work hours, availability, and response times.

Leaders can do this by establishing regular work hours that align with other team members’ personal schedules and by encouraging team members to take regular breaks. Virtual wellness activities can also be incorporated into the team building agenda to emphasize the importance of mental and physical health. Wellness apps like Calm and Headspace can aid in promoting mindfulness and relaxation among team members.

Facilitating Fun Virtual Team Building Activities

Leaders are often the facilitators of team building activities. It’s important for leaders to be enthusiastic, engaging, and involved during these activities to set the tone for the team.

Tools like Zoom or Cisco Webex are essential for hosting virtual team building activities. With features like breakout rooms, polls, and whiteboards, they offer a wide range of possibilities for different activities.

With thoughtful leadership, virtual team challenges can be effectively managed, resulting in a cohesive, high-performing team that can excel, irrespective of where its members are located.

How Can Remote Leaders Embrace Continuous Learning in Virtual Team Building?

Embracing the journey of continual learning is an essential step towards success in virtual team building. As the digital landscape evolves, new challenges and opportunities arise. By proactively seeking knowledge, you can anticipate these changes, enhance your skills, and foster a culture of learning within your team.

Make Continuous Learning a Habit

One of the most effective ways to promote continuous learning is to embed it in your day-to-day routine. By staying abreast with the latest developments in remote work and team building, you can adapt and innovate in response to new trends. Subscribing to authoritative blogs, newsletters, and industry-specific magazines is a good starting point. Platforms such as Medium and LinkedIn regularly feature thought-provoking articles on remote work, team building, and leadership.

Expand Your Knowledge through Reading

There are a wealth of books for remote executives available that delve into the intricacies of managing and building virtual teams. Here are several top recommendations that provide practical insights and strategies:

Enhance Leadership Skills Through Feedback and Education

Improving as a remote leader is a journey of continuous growth and improvement. Regularly seek feedback from your team on your leadership style and team-building initiatives. Tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms can help collect this feedback in an anonymous and structured manner.

Consider investing in professional development through online courses or workshops focused on remote leadership. Websites like Coursera and Udemy provide a wealth of courses on topics such as remote leadership, team building, and effective communication.

What Does the Evolving Landscape of Virtual Team Building Look Like?


As we gaze into the future, it becomes clear that remote and virtual work will continue to redefine our understanding of work. What does this mean for the field of virtual team building?

Globalization and Inclusion in Team Building

In an increasingly globalized world, virtual teams can span multiple time zones, cultures, and languages. This brings a unique set of challenges but also the opportunity for teams to be richly diverse and inclusive. Virtual team building activities of the future must cater to this reality, fostering understanding and appreciation of different cultures.

The Rise of Virtual Reality in Team Building

Virtual reality (VR) offers an exciting prospect for the future of team building. With VR, we can create shared, immersive experiences that bridge physical distances. Imagine your team embarking on a virtual adventure together, solving problems, and overcoming challenges in a completely immersive virtual world. Though still in its infancy, this technology could revolutionize how we approach virtual team building.

The Convergence of Work and Well-being

The future of virtual team building will likely see a greater focus on holistic well-being. Activities that encourage mindfulness, physical activity, and mental health awareness will become increasingly important. This shift is driven by a growing understanding of the integral role well-being plays in productivity and engagement.

The Increasing Importance of Soft Skills

The digital future will place an increasing premium on soft skills such as empathy, emotional intelligence, and effective communication. Virtual team-building activities that cultivate these skills will be in high demand, helping teams navigate the nuances of virtual communication and foster stronger relationships.

In conclusion, the future of virtual team building is an exciting journey of discovery, innovation, and growth. As remote leaders, it is our responsibility to continue learning and adapting, ensuring our teams remain engaged, productive, and connected, regardless of where they are in the world.

How Can Remote Leaders Implement a Successful Virtual Team Building Strategy?


Implementing a successful virtual team building strategy may seem daunting, but with careful planning, thoughtful execution, and continual learning, you can create a supportive, engaging, and productive remote work environment.

Establish Clear Objectives

To create a successful virtual team building strategy, begin by clearly defining your objectives. What do you hope to achieve? This could range from improving communication and collaboration to fostering a sense of community or increasing productivity. Having clear objectives not only guides your strategy but also helps you measure its success.

Choose Suitable Activities and Tools

Select team building activities that align with your objectives and resonate with your team. Consider the team’s dynamics, preferences, and the unique challenges of working remotely. Additionally, choose tools that facilitate these activities effectively. Tools like Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Trello, as discussed earlier, can be instrumental in executing virtual team building activities.

Communicate and Involve the Team

Communicate your team building strategy to the team. Explain the objectives, the activities planned, and how they align with the team’s goals. Encourage feedback and involve the team in decision-making where possible. This creates a sense of ownership and encourages active participation.

Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning

Promote a culture of continuous learning within the team. Encourage other team members to learn from each other, share insights, and be open to new virtual team building ideas. This not only enhances skills but also strengthens relationships within the team.

Measure and Adjust

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your virtual team building strategy. Use the measures of success discussed earlier to assess the impact of the team building activities. Be prepared to adjust and adapt your strategy based on these evaluations and feedback from the team.

The Best Virtual Team Building Activities For Remote Companies: Wrapping it Up


In the modern business world, virtual team building activities are more than necessities — they’re an opportunity to foster a culture of inclusivity, collaboration, and innovation. As remote work continues to grow, so does the need for effective distributed and virtual team building strategies.

This in-depth guide has provided you with the principles, activities, tools, and strategies needed to build strong, connected, and productive virtual teams. As you continue on this journey, remember that the key lies in understanding your team, adapting to their needs, and fostering a supportive remote work environment. By embracing these practices, you’ll be on your way to leading successful and high-performing virtual teams.

Always remember that virtual team building is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process that evolves with your remote workers. It’s about creating an environment where everyone feels connected, valued, and part of a community, regardless of the physical distance.

The future of work is here, and it’s virtual. Happy team building!

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